Michèle Pierre
Emmanuel Carlier began his bow-making apprenticeship in 2005 with Gilles Duhaut in Tours. Then he joined for two years the "Maison Bernard" in Brussels and became assistant to Pierre Guillaume with whom he developed his taste for old bows.
In 2010, he opened his own workshop and started to enter competitions. First he won a gold medal (viola bow) and a silver one (cello bow) in the international violin and bow making competition of Mittenwald (Germany). The following year, he received a grant from Marcel Vatelot foundation to support the development of his workshop. In 2012, he enrolled the Violin Society of America competition and won three gold medals (violin, cello and double bass). Since then, his work has been rewarded many times in various Parisian festivals, such as Violoncelleenseine and Viola's.
In 2013, he was selected to become a resident of the Villa Medici, the french academy in Roma. During one year, he continued his research, working with other residents and composers...
Back in Paris after this very enriching experience, he opened a new workshop while seeking to be noticed internationally. In 2016, he won a gold médal for a violin bow at the VSA. And, three years later, he became finally "Meilleur Ouvrier de France".
During an exhibition in Singer-Polignac fondation, Charles Coquet, violin maker, suggested that they open a new workshop together. The project was completed in December 2021. Since then, they are working together to welcome musicians in the best possible conditions.
Eight years after his last participation, he decided to register again for the Violin society of America Competition with three bows (violin, viola, and cello). And he was fortunate to receive a gold medal for each of them. According to the rules, he therefore received "Hors Concours" certificate, the highest honour the competition can bestow.
Graduate "Meilleur Ouvrier de France" - 2019
7 gold medals and "Hors Concours" certificate Violin Society of America
Indianapolis 2024 : Violin, Viola and Cello
Cleveland 2016 : Violin
Cleveland 2012 : Violin, Cello and Double Bass ​​
Best Playing Viola Bow Award, Darling International Bow Making Competition - Amsterdam 2016
Gold medal (Viola), and Silver medal (Cello), International Violin and Bow Making Competition, Mittenwald 2010.